What To Bring

Required Items:

  • Water Bottle
  • Sunscreen - please apply each morning before camper arrives
  • Gym Shoes (no open-toe shoes)
  • Towels for Swimming during the weeks of Rec Sports Camp

Optional Items: 

  • Will be based on the sport for that week. 
  • The Softball Camp - required to have a batting helmet, athletic shoes/cleats, wear athletic attire, and bring a fielding mitt. It is recommended that campers label all their gear, bring a personal water bottle, sunscreen, and personal snack.
    Campers with dietary restrictions are encouraged to bring their own personal snack.
    Campers are welcome to bring their own sporting equipment, but required equipment will be provided with the exception of softballs equipment listed above.

The following items are STRICTLY prohibited and will be taken away if brought to camp:

  • Personal Toys
  • Fidget Spinners
  • Electronic devices

**Parents/guardians are asked to label all items brought to camp. A lost and found time is held at the end of each day for campers to claim collected lost/left items. If you see your child come home without a personal item, please let us know.  Any remaining unclaimed item will be taken to a donation site after each camp session.


There are no events at this time.